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adjustedCurves 0.9.0

CRAN release: 2022-09-22

  • This is the first release of this package

adjustedCurves 0.9.1

CRAN release: 2022-11-22

  • Include CRAN in installation instructions
  • Updated code and tests to run with updated versions of the mice and ggplot2 packages
  • Updated documentation of package man page to include features not supported at the moment

adjustedCurves 0.10.0

CRAN release: 2023-02-16

  • Removed support for tmle, ostmle methods
  • Changed citation information because manuscript was published
  • Changed print method to be equal to summary method
  • Fixed issues with unit-tests that require packages under “Suggests” only

adjustedCurves 0.10.1

CRAN release: 2023-04-20

  • Fixed small issues in unit tests caused by changes in the WeightIt package
  • Made some small documentation updates

adjustedCurves 0.11.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-13


Bug Fixes

  • There was a small bug in internal functions used to calculate integrals, which lead to slightly incorrect results whenever a survival curve reached 0 (or a CIF reached 1) and the “to” value was greater than the last observed time point. This may have impacted standard error estimates in adjusted_rmst(), adjusted_rmtl() and output of adjusted_curve_test() and functions that rely on those functions. This is fixed now, but may lead to slightly different estimates than in previous versions.

New Features

  • Added the new methods surv_tmle and cif_tmle, based on the concrete package
  • Added new instrumental variable based method surv_iv_2SRIF
  • Added new methods surv_prox_iptw, surv_prox_aiptw based on code from Andrew Ying
  • Added the adjusted_curve_ratio() function
  • Added the plot_curve_ratio() function


  • Changed examples for the usage of WeightIt as suggested by Noah Greifer
  • Added a new vignette with an overview of implemented features of each method
  • Small changes to formulations

adjustedCurves 0.11.1

CRAN release: 2024-04-10


  • Re-factored internal code to vastly increase speed of bootstrapping related computations

New features



  • Re-worked introduction vignette
  • Added FAQ vignette
  • Added Group Comparison vignette

adjustedCurves 0.11.2

CRAN release: 2024-07-29

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in additional arguments passed by the user through the three-dot (...) syntax not being correctly evaluated. For example, supplying estimand="ATT" to adjustedsurv() with method="iptw_km" and a formula in the treatment_model argument would result in the estimand argument not being passed to weightit().
  • Fixed issues that ocurred with plot.adjustedsurv() when the adjustedsurv object was created in a function or loop
  • In previous versions the formula to pool standard errors when using multiple imputation was not implemented correctly. Fixed now, might lead to slightly different results when using multiply imputed data in the new and earlier versions. Many thanks to Dr. Jack M Wolf for finding and fixing this issue.

adjustedCurves 0.11.3

New features

  • Added the extend_to_last argument to method="iptw_km" in adjustedsurv(), which allows users to draw the IPTW survival curves up to the last observed point in time per group whether that time was censored or not. Unpublished simulation studies have shown that estimates beyond the last event time are very unstable, which is why in previous versions of this package (<= 0.11.2), this argument did not exist, but was essentially set to . To get the same results as with old versions, set this argument to .


  • Now uses README.Rmd instead of the regular
  • Removed the already deprecated difference and ratio argument from adjusted_rmst() and adjusted_rmtl()

Bug Fixes

  • The correct way to pool standard errors when using multiple imputation is now also used when using bootstrapping + multiple imputation
  • Corrected a typo that lead to the censoring_model argument being ignored when using method="aiptw" in adjustedcif().