Estimate the difference between or the ratio of two Confounder-Adjusted Survival Curves or CIFs
Given a previously created adjustedsurv
or adjustedcif
object, calculate the difference between or the ratio of two of the variable
specific curves. Can either calculate the whole difference / ratio curve or estimates at specified points in time.
adjusted_curve_diff(adj, group_1=NULL, group_2=NULL,
times=NULL, conf_int=FALSE, conf_level=0.95,
use_boot=FALSE, interpolation="steps")
adjusted_curve_ratio(adj, group_1=NULL, group_2=NULL,
times=NULL, conf_int=FALSE, conf_level=0.95,
use_boot=FALSE, interpolation="steps")
- adj
object created using theadjustedsurv
function, or aadjustedcif
object created using theadjustedcif
function.- group_1
Optional argument to get a specific difference or ratio. This argument takes a single character string specifying one of the levels of the
used in the originaladjustedsurv
function call. This group will be subtracted from. For example ifgroup_1="A"
the differenceA - B
or ratioA / B
will be used. IfNULL
, the order of the factor levels in the originaldata
determines the order. If notNULL
, thegroup_2
argument also needs to be specified.- group_2
Also a single character string specifying one of the levels of
. This corresponds to the right side of the difference equation. See argumentgroup_1
.- times
An optional numeric vector of points in time at which the difference or ratio should be estimated. If
(default) the differences or ratios are estimated for the whole curve.- conf_int
Whether standard errors, confidence intervals and p-values should be calculated. Only possible when either
was used in the original function call. See details for how those are estimated.- conf_level
A number specifying the confidence level of the confidence intervals.
- use_boot
Whether to use the standard errors estimated using bootstrapping for the confidence interval and p-value calculation. Can only be used if
was used in the originaladjustedsurv
function call. Ignored ifconf_int=FALSE
.- interpolation
(default) or"linear"
. This parameter controls how interpolation is performed. If this argument is set to"steps"
, the curves will be treated as step functions. If it is set to"linear"
, the curves wil be treated as if there are straight lines between the point estimates instead. Points that lie between estimated points will be interpolated accordingly. Should usually be kept at"steps"
. See Details.
Confidence Intervals & P-Values
For differences, the standard error of the difference is estimated using the pooled standard error of the two probability estimates, given by: $$SE_{group_1 - group_2} = \sqrt{SE_{group_1}^2 + SE_{group_2}^2}$$
Confidence intervals are then calculated using this pooled standard error and the normal approximation. The P-Values are also obtained using this standard error combined with a two-sided one-sample t-test. The null-hypothesis is that the difference is equal to 0, and the alternative hypothesis is that the difference is not equal to 0.
For ratios, the confidence intervals are calculated according to the method given by Fieller (1954), assuming the probabilities to be independent. P-values are calculated using a one-sample two-sided t-test with the test-statistic of Fieller (1954).
If p-values are calculated for multiple points in time simultaneously, the user should adjust those. See ?p.adjust
for more information.
Overall Difference Test
This function does not perform a test of the overall difference between two functions. To calculate the integral of the difference in a given interval the plot_curve_diff
function can be used. Additionally, to test whether that integral is equal to zero the adjusted_curve_test
function can be used. No such test is available for ratios, as it is unclear what that would entail.
More than Two Groups
If more than two groups are present in variable
, all other comparisons except for group_1 vs. group_2
are ignored. If multiple comparisons are desired, the user needs to call this function multiple times and adjust the group_1
and group_2
arguments accordingly.
Graphical Displays
There is no directly associated plot
method for this function. However, this function is used internally when calling the plot_curve_diff
function. In order to get a plot of the difference curve or point estimates, that function can be used.
Multiple Imputation
This function works exactly the same way for adjusted survival curves or adjusted CIFs estimated using multiple imputation as it does without any missing values. If multiple imputation was used previously, this function simply uses the pooled estimates to calculate the differences or ratios.
Computational Details
When estimating the difference or ratios at some point in time at which no direct point estimates are available, this function needs to interpolate the curves. The interpolation method can be controlled using the interpolation
function. In most cases, the estimated curves are step functions and the default (interpolation="steps"
) is therefore appropriate. However, when parametric survival models where used in the estimation process it might be preferable to use linear interpolation instead.
Returns a data.frame
containing the columns time
(the points in time where the difference or ratios were estimated) and diff
or ratio
(the estimated difference or ratio).
If conf_int=TRUE
was used in the function call, it additionally contains the columns se
(the estimated standard error of the difference, not included for ratios), ci_lower
(lower limit of the confidence interval of the difference/ratio), ci_upper
(upper limit of the confidence interval of the difference/ratio) and p_value
(the p-value for the mentioned test).
John P. Klein, Brent Logan, Mette Harhoff, and Per Kragh Andersen (2007). "Analyzing Survival Curves at a Fixed Point in Time". In: Statistics in Medicine 26, pp. 4505-4519
Michael Coory, Karen E. Lamb, and Michael Sorich (2014). "Risk-Difference Curves can be used to Communicate Time-Dependent Effects of Adjuvant Therapies for Early Stage Cancer". In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 67, pp. 966-972
Edgar C. Fieller (1954). "Some Problems in Interval Estimation". In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 16.2, pp. 175-185
#### Simple Survival Case with adjusted survival curves ####
# simulate some data as example
sim_dat <- sim_confounded_surv(n=30, max_t=1.2)
sim_dat$group <- as.factor(sim_dat$group)
# propensity score model
ps_mod <- glm(group ~ x1 + x2 + x4 + x5, data=sim_dat, family="binomial")
# use it to estimate adjusted survival curves with bootstrapping
adjsurv <- adjustedsurv(data=sim_dat,
n_boot=10) # n_boot should be much higher in reality
# calculate the whole difference curve
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjsurv)
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjsurv)
# only some points in time
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjsurv, times=c(0.2, 0.4))
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjsurv, times=c(0.2, 0.4))
# with confidence intervals, p-values
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjsurv, times=c(0.2, 0.4), conf_int=TRUE)
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjsurv, times=c(0.2, 0.4), conf_int=TRUE)
# using bootstrapping
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjsurv, times=c(0.2, 0.4), conf_int=TRUE,
#### Competing Risks Case with adjusted CIFs ####
if (requireNamespace("cmprsk") & requireNamespace("riskRegression") &
requireNamespace("prodlim")) {
# simulate some data as example
sim_dat <- sim_confounded_crisk(n=100, max_t=1.2)
sim_dat$group <- as.factor(sim_dat$group)
# estimate a cause-specific cox-regression for the outcome
csc_mod <- CSC(Hist(time, event) ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + group,
# use it to calculate adjusted CIFs for cause = 1 with bootstrapping
adjcif <- adjustedcif(data=sim_dat,
# calculate the whole difference curve
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjcif)
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjcif)
# with confidence intervals
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjcif, conf_int=TRUE)
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjcif, conf_int=TRUE)
# only at specific points in time
adjdiff <- adjusted_curve_diff(adjcif, times=c(0.2, 0.4), conf_int=TRUE)
adjratio <- adjusted_curve_ratio(adjcif, times=c(0.2, 0.4), conf_int=TRUE)
#> Warning: NaNs produced