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simDAG 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-28

  • This is the first release of this package

simDAG 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-03-07


  • node() and node_td() now support character vectors in the ‘name’ argument, allowing easy creation of multiple nodes with the same definition

Bug Fixes

  • There was a bug in the node_time_to_event() function that lead to the immunity_duration parameter being used incorrectly. Since events were still recorded correctly, this was only apparent when using save_states="all". Works correctly now.
  • There was a small bug in dag2matrix() if the dag object contained only root nodes. In this case, a logical matrix was returned. Now it returns the correct numeric matrix.

New Features

  • Added the sim_n_datasets() function to generate multiple datasets from a single dag object, possibly using multicore processing


  • Minor changes to documentation pages
  • Minor changes to vignettes

simDAG 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2024-06-13


  • simDAG no longer lists data.table under “Depends” in the description file. It is instead listed under “Imports” as recommended by the data.table crew


  • Print underlying structural equations in summary.DAG() and summary.DAG.node()
  • Added the overlap argument to both long2start_stop() and sim2data() to directly create start-stop data with overlapping durations, as needed for some statistical models
  • Added the target_event and keep_only_first arguments to sim2data() and related functions, to allow direct transformation into model-ready dataset
  • Made the long2start_stop() function more computationally efficient

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a small bug in input checks of the node_time_to_event() function, which printed an error when not all arguments to prob_fun were supplied, even when these arguments had default values
  • Fixed bug in print.DAG.node() which occurred when a time-to-event node with no parents was supplied
  • Fixed a bug in sim2data() which lead to inconsistent results when event_duration=0 was used in one or more nodes of type “time_to_event” or “competing_events”. This made me realize that event durations smaller than 1 make no sense. They are now no longer allowed and the default of the node types has been changed accordingly.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in errors when interaction terms were being supplied through formula objects of child nodes

New Features


  • Documentation pages of most nodes now include formal descriptions of the data generation mechanism
  • Re-wrote the documentation page for custom node definition

simDAG 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-09-03


  • Added the output argument to the rbernoulli() function to allow different output formats.
  • Change default of sort_dag in sim_from_dag() from TRUE to FALSE.
  • Moved the functionality of the coerce2factor and coerce2numeric arguments in rcategorical(), node_multinomial() and node_binomial() to the output argument for a more consistent syntax and easier usage.
  • It is now allowed to directly supply functions to the type argument in node() and node_td().
  • Passing optional arguments to the layout function in plot.DAG() is now supported.

Bug Fixes

  • The node_fill argument of the plot.DAG() function is no longer being ignored if mark_td_nodes was set to TRUE.

New Features

  • Added a new enhanced formula interface, which allows users to directly type out the underlying structural equations for many node types. This replaces the old formula argument. Standard formulas (without betas and intercepts) are still supported, but no longer mentioned in the documentation and will be deprecated in future versions.


  • Added a new vignette explaining in detail how the new enhanced formula interface for the node() function works.

simDAG 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2025-01-07


  • External variables may now be used in the formula interface using eval() calls.
  • Added the remove_not_at_risk argument to the sim2data() function.
  • Change default of t0_sort_dag in sim_discrete_time() from TRUE to FALSE for more consistency with sim_from_dag().

Bug Fixes

New Features

  • Added the node_identity() function to allow users to directly calculate nodes as an R expression of other nodes without the need to define a new function.


  • Added more examples in the formula vignette.

simDAG 0.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • When specifying a node as both a root or child node and as a time-dependent node, it is no longer counted twice in print.DAG()